Building the DH550 Catamaran

Page 2 - Hull Skin

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DH550 radius chine plywood catamaran

Skin has been fitted on one side of the bow.

Wedges of wood have been fitted against the side of the stem between the stringers. These are to form a good landing surface for the skin to be glued onto.

All timber in this forward part of the boat must be epoxy coated before fitting the skin because you will not be able to access them later.

DH550 radius chine plywood catamaran

Closer view of the bulkhead/stringer/skin junctions. All joints must be glued and high density epoxy fillets done in all angles.

DH550 radius chine plywood catamaran

View of skin in progress, from outside the hull. The longitudinal scarph joints have been done on the workshop floor to make full-height panels. The stransverse scarphs between the full-height panels are done during fitting of each panel.

This is the outer face of a hull. The side panel that is leaning against the boat will be dry-fitted at this stage. It must first have the composite shroud chainplate bonded to it before being fitted later.

DH550 radius chine plywood catamaran

This view if of the inner face of a hull. The bulkheads that project onto the bridgedeck can be seen sticking out from the side skin, which has been fitted between the bulkheads. Later these projections will be scarphed onto the bridgedeck bulkheads to form a continuous structure.

DH550 radius chine plywood catamaran

Side and bottom panels have been fitted. The first layer of the radius has also been installed, fitting between the edges of the flat sheets.

The rebate in the edge of the side panel is visible as a lighter strip. The 2nd layer of the radius is laid into this rebate so that it overlaps the side panel and finishes flush with the outer face. The same detail finishes the radius against the bottom panel.

DH550 radius chine plywood catamaran

View of inside of the hull skin while fitting the 1st layer of the radius. The transverse joints of the radius are not glued because they must be able to move when fitting the 2nd layer and will fill with epoxy at that stage.

DH550 radius chine plywood catamaran

2nd Layer of radius fitted flush with surfaces of flat panels.

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This page was updated 20 September 2007

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